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Open a Spa

Add Medical Spa Servcies to Your Business

Launch a Smartlipo Event to Maximize Sales

Maximize Your Business Performance

Recession Proof Your Business




























































TURNKEY PROGRAMS: Manage or Launch a Winning Spa Business

Open a Spa

  • Medical Spa / MedSpa
  • Day Spa
  • Resort Spa or Hotel Spa

A two phase turnkey process that begins with Phase I: Plan Development where we help you shape your vision and mission, conduct a market assessment, model a financial pro forma and write your business plan. 

Phase II: Plan Implementation is focused on partnering with you to make your plan a reality, including site selection, brand development, advertising and promotions execution, operating systems implementation, management recruiting and training, equipment and supplies specification.

Success Stories: Avie!, EOS, Amomi

Review the Complete Opening a Spa Program

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Add Medical Spa Services to Your Business

  • Medical Practice
  • Day Spa
  • Resort Spa or Hotel Spa
  • Health Club

Seeking to take advantage of the ever growing consumer demand for medical spa services? Acara will add a custom medical spa program to your existing medical practice, health club, day spa or hotel/resort spa.

Success Stories: Viso LASIK

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Launch a Smartlipo Event to Maximize Sales

  • Medical Spa
  • Medical Practice
  • Dermatology or Plastic Surgery Practice

Acara's team of expert consultants will plan, promote and execute your next Smartlipo event to maximize sales.

Acara has achieved great success with this package. A 6 week program that is a success fee oriented package. If you succeed we succeed.

Success Stories: Biologica

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Maximize Your Business Performance

  • Medical Spa
  • Resort/Hotel Spa
  • Day Spa

Acara's team of spa and medical spa experts analyze your current operation, sales system, marketing program and financial health. We then develop a Impact Action Plan to maximize your business' revenue and profit.

Success Stories: Wellquest

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Recession Proof Your Business

  • Medical Spa
  • Day Spa

An analysis of your current business provides the Acara team with the information we need to identify which Business Boosters to implement and create a plan to recession proof your business.

Success Stories: Amari, Biologica

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